WEEKLY MENU 08.13.23

It’s back to school time for many, and National Back to School Prep Day falls during the Weekly Menu 08.13.23~

The Weekly Menu 08.13.23 encompasses National Back to School Prep Day, which falls on Tuesday, August 15th. This is the first time in a long, long time that we don’t have anyone going back to school, but I still think we should go back to school shopping. Who’s with me?
Amazon or online shopping is not the way to go for school supplies. I think you have to experience the thrill of the crowd at Target or Walmart. And the fear that rolls through you at the checkout counter of same.
Back in the day, when all the boysies were in grade school, we’d get lists of required school supplies from the teachers in their respective grades. The lists weren’t really too bad, although they were a little dictatorial. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for Details.) No clicky pens, I totally got. We had three boys that would make noise with just about anything, so being careful about giving them ammo just made sense. But what did they have against Trapper Keepers?
Every year we got regular pencils, colored pencils and crayons (8 pack only) that, as far as I could tell, were never used. I read that the reason for the 8 pack instead of the glorious 64 pack was so the kids wouldn’t stress while they were learning their colors. We have two color-blind color vision deficient sons, so I appreciated the fact that they weren’t traumatized by the choice.
Back to School Clothes Shopping wasn’t ever a big thing~
We headed over to the Red Door and bought the required uniforms. Can I just say:
I’d wear them now if I could. I don’t understand why any parent wouldn’t love them. It quashes individuality BLAH, BLAH BLAH. What it does is give everyone a little more time in the morning, eliminates wishy-washy thinking, and prevents keeping-up-with-the-Joneses. Plus a single load of laundry usually does the trick.
How are we celebrating? With a special dinner, of course. No shopping for us!
I love the timing of National Back to School Prep Day – it leaves just enough time to enjoy every glorious minute of August.
Weekly Menu 08.13.23
We’re sticking with summer classics during the Weekly Menu 08.13.23 – we have pasta salad, sandwiches (and hot dogs – are they a sandwich?) plus just enough oven time to remind us that it is still August, after all.
Update: for those dear readers following along, there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel that is the wait for a replacement stove. They did try to deliver a stove a few weeks ago, but because of a paperwork SNAFU, ended up unable to install same. They took it away with very little fanfare. I didn’t even cry. Much.
After repeated calls (and an email to Lowes to pick the *&#* thing up and refund our money) the new stove is supposed to be delivered and installed this week. We’ll let you know how it goes.
WEEKLY MENU 08.13.23