WEEKLY MENU 07.17.22

We’re buzzing around madly during the Weekly Menu 07.17.22, but we’re enjoying our summer schedule anyway!

We’ve got another busy summer schedule coming up during the Weekly Menu 07.17.22, but we’re handling it with a plan. I don’t know who ever coined the phrase “lazy summer days”, but that’s not the case here. We are buzzing around constantly; which may be why I enjoy overcast, way slowed down mid-winter days so much.
Buzzing around always makes me think of bees (and I know the post pic is of a wasp, not a bee, but bear with me). In college, a good friend of mine had a small stuffed bee that her Mom had given her. Buzzy Bee got into a fair amount of trouble, and even flew out the 7th story dorm window on more than one occasion, necessitating a frantic sprint down the stairs for rescue. (Affiliate links follow, see Disclaimer Page for details.)

Not really a bee, but how cute is this guy?

Bees are big business on Amazon. I found some darling bee-themed items, but I’m not sure how well they’ll fit in with our decor.

Maybe outdoor decor would work better?

here we go…

We’ll stick with honey during the Weekly Menu 07.17.22~
Not everyone likes it {ahem, Bert, ahem} but this stuff is gold on a pizza crust.

Takeout Pizza is on the Weekly Menu 07.17.22, but not until later in the week. Mostly we’re using the crockpot and rotating in the grill/firepit once in a while. I use the crockpot way more often during the summer than during the winter. Anybody else? I love that it doesn’t heat up the kitchen, and that the food is ready for us when we’re ready to eat. (Unless you forget to plug it in, which I did with the Swedish meatballs a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, I realized it before we sat down to dinner.)
Crockpot side dish on Sunday~
I have a really hard time making baked beans, even straight out of the can. I either burn them, or cook all the liquid out of them, or the beans end up hard. Usually Bert moves me out of the way and takes care of them, but I’m nothing if not persistent. So, I’m giving it another shot with the BBQ Baked Beans recipe below because it A. it uses the crockpot and 2. it has meat in it. But honestly, I’m going to halve the recipe – that is one hell of a lot of beans.
The crockpot comes out (or, more realistically, stays out) for dinner on Wednesday and Thursday too. I’ll use frozen meatballs and pop them into the crockpot with the enchilada sauce. When we’re about ready to eat, I’ll sprinkle the Mexican Meatballs with finely shredded Mexican cheese. Super easy and fast. Grilling out Tuesday and Friday. Quite a plan, huh? I hope the kitchen doesn’t miss me!
Meatless Monday starts us out this week with a family favorite of Red Beans and Rice. It’s spicy, comforting and the lack of meat doesn’t hurt anything either. Lord, don’t get me started on the price of protein these days. Ouch.
WEEKLY MENU 07.17.22