Weekly Menu 11.11.18

Our Weekly Menu 11.11.18 is perfect for fall weather – we’ve got the crock pot (affiliate link) in use as well as our trusty wok (affiliate link).
A sure sign that the holidays are right around the corner is the 8″ of snow we woke up to here in Erieland.
Lake Erie temperature is a balmy 40 degrees – and until it freezes completely we’ll get LAKE EFFECT SNOW. The winds whip over the lake and pick up moisture from the “warm” waters. When the weather hits land, it dumps the white fluffy stuff. The Lake Effect Machine will keep on going until the lake freezes over. Luckily for us, Lake Erie is the shallowest of the lakes, and freezes quickly if it’s cold enough. We don’t get hit too hard – a little south of us gets twice the snowfall we do. Brrr.
It’s gorgeous, and it won’t last.
It does impact the Weekly Menu 11.11.18 inasmuch as comfort food is the way to go. We have that covered!
Our proximity to Philly means that we always have minute steaks in the freezer. Sunday we’re going to saute a couple up to make super tasty crostini. I’ve been craving some roasted beets, so we’re having a sweet and savory salad.
Bert said to just make half of that.
Either you like beets or you don’t. No happy medium there! I’m making a family favorite soup on Friday – Easy Potato Leek. More on that later!
Enjoy your week & stay warm wherever you are! ♥
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