20 Seriously Festive Cocktail Recipes

Seriously festive cocktail recipes for every occasion and holiday throughout the year!
Recipes for 21+, please drink responsibly.

How do you make it a party? Light a candle and dispense a single, impressive “Cocktail of the Day” along with a few crackers. Add in some beer and wine for those party-poopers that won’t try anything exotic, and you’ve got yourself a celebration. And a cheap one at that.
Don’t forget the teetotalers – some bottled water, seltzer and a variety of pop make sure every one knows you care. Plus, pacing is a good thing.
Let’s get this party started!
This is the perfect drink for Christmas or Thanksgiving: cranberry usually means fall, but the colors are so Christmas! It’s totally delicious and sooo easy!
This one will add a nice punch to any of the fall holidays~
This is a little more Halloween specific, but would work for Cinco de Mayo too – if you wanted it to be a little… spooky.
How elegant would you look if you were sipping this on Christmas Eve?
This one is just soo smooth it could be problematic.
The Lovebug Cocktail is perfect for Valentines Day. Whether you’re celebrating with your love or alone!
I’ve seen some Jameson jello shot recipes, but that just seems like sacrilege to me. This “Irish Sour” looks a lot better for Saint Patrick’s Day.
This one is a twofer – it’ll work for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
These are fun for any winter drinking you might want to do~
These jello shots make more sense~
Of course, these would work for all the Red, White and Blue holidays.
This is how I want to celebrate Resurrection Day:
Any time it’s cold out is a reason to celebrate, right?
This one is just so pretty – the fact that it’s lethal probably won’t matter!
Although I always love a margarita, this is my favorite Mexican drink.
I think ONE gin and tonic a year is sufficient. This one is pretty and a little different to celebrate the start of summer.
If there isn’t one, we should make a holiday to celebrate Girl Scout Cookie season.
Pumpkin Spice is kind of it’s own season.
This would be perfect for the viewing party.
Get your smooch on, one way or another, for New Years Eve.
You know the best way to get over too much celebrating the night before, right? A little hair of the dog…
Here’s the party checklist – one more time!

Plan ahead – get these great pitchers and punch bowls:

Mix and match on the fun disposable glasses too ~

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